The best way to not feel bad is to let yourself feel bad.

The Power of Feeling Difficult Emotions

In our fast-paced world, it’s common to push aside uncomfortable feelings in the hope they’ll fade on their own. But the truth is, emotions don’t disappear when ignored—they linger, sometimes surfacing in unhealthy ways. The key to overcoming difficult emotions is not avoidance but acceptance.

When we allow ourselves to fully feel our emotions—whether it’s sadness, anger, or fear—we begin the healing process. By acknowledging these feelings, we give them the space they need to exist, which often reduces their intensity over time. It’s in this process of sitting with discomfort that we learn to understand and release emotional burdens.

Feeling our emotions doesn’t mean being consumed by them. Instead, it’s about mindful awareness—observing the emotion, letting it flow through us, and learning from it. This approach can foster resilience and emotional growth, creating space for more peace and balance in our lives.

In therapy, we can explore these emotions together, helping you to navigate and process them in a safe, supportive environment.


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