Welcome to our payment page!
Here, you can easily pay for your therapy sessions by selecting one of the secure payment options below. Each link corresponds to a specific session. Simply choose the one that you attend.
Here you can pay for your individual counselling session that you've had with one of your qualified therapists.
Here you can pay for your low cost counselling session that you've had with one of your therapist in training.
Before starting low cost therapy, it is required to pay upfront for your first and for the last session. The upfront payment will secure your session. When you decide to stop seeing your therapist, your last session will already be paid for and there will be no need to pay for it, unless you have not showed up for your session without giving notice, than this payment will be kept to cover the room fee and therapists time.
Here you can pay for your couples counselling session that you've had with one of your qualified therapists.
If you do not provide your therapist with at least 24 hours' notice before canceling your session, you will be required to pay a cancellation fee to cover the room expenses. This policy also applies in the case of a no-show.