In this heartfelt blog, our German intern, Iwan Skarlat, delves into the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people. Iwan reflects on the human tendency to form connections, from survival to growth, and shares his personal journey from Ukraine to Germany. As a child, Iwan faced the challenges of adapting to a new culture, language barriers, and making new friends. His experiences taught him the significance of choosing relationships that foster positivity and personal growth.
Create your own energy
Surrounding yourself with the right people is a very important but difficult task in life. Human beings tended to suround themselves with other humans already from the start of Human existense. Wherther it was for surrviving and hunting food or to grow in numbers. Otherwise we all wouldn't be here.
From my knowledge it wasn't easy. I was born in Ukraine and lived there with my family the first 12 years of my life. In 2012 my mother made the desicion to come to Germany for her job and the quality of life there. As a child I was very exited to experience a new place but what i haven't thought about was, leaving all my friends behind. At the time i was playing soccer in my homecountry, so i was very curious what it would be like to play with german children. But the first thing I remember about going to play with them, is that i couldn't even ask them if i can take part, so i was just standing there for a bit and hoping some of the guys would notice me and invite me to play with them. And they did. After that i was more confident going there even if they were making fun of me because of the language barrier. After visiting more german lessons and going to school i got better each day.
For the next 12 years many people came to my life and left. What I wish I knew earlier is not everybody who comes to your life, is meant to stay. After a couple of years, I noticed that some of them were just there for my energy with nothing to give back. Even if you do not notice, it influences your entire mood and after a specific amont of time it can even change you to a different person, wherther it is in a positive or negative way, it's on you. That's why it is so important to only let people in your life who can add more positivity and personal growth to your life.
To recognize people who will affect your life in a good way is to think factual, even if it sounds weird but if you choose them based on their looks and how cool they are, you won't come far. For example it is a good thing if they like the same topic as you. It could be a sport, book or even the same kind of music you like. One of my best friends had a simular path to me befor we met. He was born in Albania and raised in the same kind of way as me. We both like watching and training MMA and listen to same same type of music. There are always topics that we can discuss and talk about.
Furthermore it is also important to find inner-peace with a lifetime mission to become bestfriends with yourself. For me it has always been very hard but currently I am trying to go out more by myself and to travel by myself, that is one of the reasons I took the oppurunity to come to Dublin and expirience what it is like to work here and just be a part of the folk.
Iwan's journey reminds us that the path to inner peace and meaningful connections is unique for everyone. It's okay to feel lost or overwhelmed at times. Iwan's journey underscores the importance of resilience and personal growth. Moving from Ukraine to Germany, he faced numerous challenges, including language barriers and cultural adjustments. Through these experiences, he learned to adapt and embrace the learning process, even when it was difficult. His determination allowed him to overcome obstacles, celebrate small victories, and remain focused on his goals. By staying resilient, Iwan was able to foster positive relationships and embark on new adventures with confidence.
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